Cortnie Jozsa

Director of Safety

I grew up in Lincoln, NE where my father was an airplane mechanic. Some of my earliest memories are of going to the hanger and watching my dad work on all these beautiful jets. Shortly after graduating High school I enlisted in the Marine Corps as an aircraft mechanic. I spent seven adventure filled years learning even more about aviation, but never quite quenching that thirst. Not long after I got out of the Marine Corps I decided to start flight training in Salt Lake City, UT. W

hile in flight school I continued my career as a mechanic, as well as gained the skills and knowledge needed to earn my pilot certificate. My first pilot job was flying tours in sunny Florida, where I was also performing the scheduled and unscheduled maintenance on our aircraft.

As much fun as that was, I am very happy to be a part of the HeloAir team and looking forward to all the adventures to follow.